Writing About Real People

While I’m sure the chances of anyone reading anything I post here are pretty slim, there’s still a chance. There’s also a small chance that you might know some of these people, or maybe in some extreme cases, you might be one of the people I write about. Should be of this be the case, please know that everything I write here is my truth, as I remember it.

We all know there’s three sides to every story and while most people will only ever be mentioned by their first name, I don’t mean to cause any harm to anyone as I’m just trying to write about my life, from my perspective.

Not everything I say is going to be popular and not every story I tell will have a happy ending. Simply put, some people, including myself, are sometimes going to come across like a complete prick. It isn’t intentional and there’s no malice behind anything I’m going to write about. I’m just going to present things as I remember them with as much honesty and insight as I possibly can.

Plus, not everything is going to be doom and gloom.

This entire site, everything I post, isn’t really intended for anyone else other than me and I never plan on promoting anything I post here on social media and while this whole site isn’t exactly private, it isn’t exactly meant to be open to the world either.

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