About Me

Who am I? Are you sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart… Just kidding, the story of my life isn’t actually very exciting. I’m nobody special. I’m just your average guy who wants to write about his experiences so that one day, when I’m old and wrinkly and potentially losing my mind I can look back and remember the life I’ve lived.

So, who am I really? I wish the answer to that question was that I’m Batman but the truth is I’m just a guy from Scotland with too much time on his hands that wants to write about his life while he’s still young enough to remember it. I never kept a diary as a kid, it never interested me. But, as I’ve gotten older I’ve found myself thinking about the past more and more – maybe more often than I should to be honest.

As for what you, the reader, gets out of this little corner of the internet, I’m not entirely sure. You might find some of these stories insightful, maybe a few of you will find them familiar. Maybe, just maybe, some of you will find something you can relate to in these posts and you’ll be able to learn from some of my mistakes.

Like everyone, my life has had it’s fair share of ups and downs and turns. I’ve zigged when I should have zagged and over the course of my 30+ years on this planet, I’d like to think I’ve made some good decisions but I know for sure I’ve made some bad decisions.

However, I also know without these decisions, without the choices I’ve made throughout the years I wouldn’t be the man I am today but I’ll let you decide if that’s a good thing or not.

No matter what though, throughout the posts that will start to appear here over the coming weeks, months and hopefully years – I’m going to be fully open and honest about everything. I’m not going to try and make myself look like the hero and I’m not going to try and make it seem like I’m perfect. You’re going to see the good, the bad and the ugly – it’ll all be here for you to pass judgement.

This entire project is about me coming to terms with myself, and the only way I can do that is to be honest with myself, and with you and now that all that has been said, sit back and enjoy the ride.