Not Knowing Where to Begin

I’ve written about a couple of random topics so far but I’m torn where to go from here. I feel like delving deep into my relationship history, but I might keep things a little more light-hearted and dumb for a while. Or, maybe I fix the two?

Either way, the posts here aren’t going to stop and as I’ve said previously there’s no real plan here on how things are structured and formatted. I have decided a timeline will be added here eventually but I’ll give my next post some thought as I feel that it whatever I post next will set the tone for the next wee while on the website.

I really leaning towards some ex-girlfriend material. Not because I’m bitter, but because I think there’s some really relatable stuff in those stories and like I said in the opening post, I’m going to be open and honest on everything, even if sometimes I’m the one who comes off looking like a prick.

So I think that’s it decided then, yeah? Some ex-girlfriend stories?

Fuck it, let’s do it.

First up… CJ…

… then Ann.

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